TF Bank is a digital bank offering consumer banking services and e-commerce solutions through a proprietary IT platform with a high degree of automation. The platform is designed for scalability and adaptability to different products, countries, currencies and digital banking solutions. TF Bank prioritises organic growth under controlled conditions and expansion is taking place in carefully selected segments and markets. The business is conducted in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Ireland and the Netherlands through subsidiary, branch or cross-border banking with the support of the Swedish banking license.
The business is divided into three segments: Credit Cards with focus on offering credit cards, Ecommerce Solutions with digital payment solutions primarily to online retailers and Consumer Lending with focus on unsecured consumer loans. The target group for all services is creditworthy individuals and the loan amounts are relatively small with short repayment terms. TF Bank also offers deposit products in several markets.
Credit Cards
In the Credit Cards segment, TF Bank offers credit cards to creditworthy individuals in Germany, Austria, Norway and Spain. The cornerstone of our credit card product is responsible lending. What distinguishes our product in relation to other credit cards on the market is the simplicity and the user-friendly digital application process.
The credit card offering has been available in the Bank since 2015 and was divided into the Credit Card segment in 2017.
Ecommerce Solutions
In the Ecommerce Solutions segment, TF Bank offers digital payment solutions primarily within e-commerce to creditworthy individuals. The goal is to create a payment solution for e-retailers who want to build and strengthen their own brand throughout the entire buying journey, from checkout to payment. The digital payment solutions are available in the Nordic region under the subsidiary Avarda, and in the Baltics as well as Poland by TF Bank AB.
Avarda as a brand has been around since 2015 with a focus on digital payment solutions. Avarda AB conducts operations in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark via a branch or cross-border with the support of the Swedish license.
Consumer Lending
In the Consumer Lending segment, TF Bank offers unsecured consumer loans to creditworthy individuals. The product offering differs between various markets and is adjusted according to the specific conditions in each country. Consumer Lending is available in ten different countries across Europe.
The Nordic markets for consumer loans are characterised by credit information that is easy to access, a high share of credit intermediaries, and a well-functioning system for collection of unpaid debts.
The Baltic countries have fast-growing credit markets with several established Nordic companies operating locally.