TF Bank in brief

TF Bank is a digital bank offering consumer banking services and e-commerce solutions through a proprietary IT platform with a high degree of automation. The platform is designed for scalability and adaptability to different products, countries, currencies and digital banking solutions. TF Bank prioritises organic growth under controlled conditions and expansion is taking place in carefully selected segments and markets. The business is conducted in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Ireland and the Netherlands through subsidiary, branch or cross-border banking with the support of the Swedish banking license.

The business is divided into three segments: Credit Cards with focus on offering credit cards, Ecommerce Solutions with digital payment solutions primarily to online retailers and Consumer Lending with focus on unsecured consumer loans. The target group for all services is creditworthy individuals and the loan amounts are relatively small with short repayment terms. TF Bank also offers deposit products in several markets.

Credit Cards

In the Credit Cards segment, TF Bank offers credit cards to creditworthy individuals in Germany and Norway. The business in Germany was started in the end of 2018, and the operations are conducted in-house. In offices in Berlin and Polish Szczecin, the local employees are working with marketing and customer service. Services like risk analysis, finance and IT are provided by central functions within the bank.

The offering in Norway has been part of the bank since the acquisition of the subsidiary BB Bank in July 2015. Since the start of 2020, the business is organised under TF Bank’s Norwegian branch.

Lending operations have been established in Austria in 2022 with a similar offer as the German market.

Ecommerce Solutions

In the Ecommerce Solutions segment, TF Bank offers digital payment solutions primarily within e-commerce to creditworthy individuals. The customers are mainly end-consumers who use the bank’s payment solutions when they make online purchases. The digital payment solutions are available in the Nordic region under The subsidiary Avarda, and also in the Baltics and in Poland under the TF Bank brand.

The Avarda brand has over the past year experienced a commercial breakthrough in the Nordic markets. The market position has been strengthened with implementations of well-known retailers in various sectors.

Consumer Lending

I segmentet Consumer Lending erbjuder TF Bank konsumentkrediter utan säkerhet till kreditvärdiga privatpersoner i Norden och Baltikum. Produktutbudet kan skilja mellan olika marknader och anpassas efter de specifika förutsättningarna i varje land.

Marknaden för konsumentkrediter i Norden kännetecknas av lättillgänglig kreditinformation, en hög andel låneförmedlare och ett väl fungerande system för indrivning av obetalda skulder.

Estland är det land i Baltikum som mest liknar Norden, med stor internetanvändning och lättillgänglig offentlig data. Lettland och Litauen är samtidigt snabbväxande kreditmarknader.

Utlåningsverksamhet har etablerats i Danmark och Spanien under 2022.